New running shoes

I came to France with just the running shoes that my workmates thought were far too orange. Those shoes are already a year old and since arriving in Quillan three weeks ago, I have worn them down further on rough tracks in the hills around the town. Last week I decided to replace the shoes. I can’t locate any shops nearby that sell what I want, so I’ve bought over the internet, hoping that (a) they are suitable for me to run in, and (b) they arrive before we leave for Sauternes. My old New Balance 860V3 shoes don’t seem to be readily available, so I got what I hope will be a close equivalent: NB 860V4. Thankfully, the shoes have already arrived. I ran in them this morning and they feel fine. However, I think my workmates might still find the laces objectionably orange.wpid-dsc_0278.jpg

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