It’s now coming up for four months since we returned from the Pyrenees and ...more
It’s been three months since we returned from Quillan. We’ve now been ...more
As we find ourselves in the midst of another round of property negotiations, I am ...more
Since embarking on our adventure, I’ve been amazed by how many people ...more
And so, the time has come, we have packed up our things, farewelled new friends, and ...more
On Monday 14 July, Dad, Ollie and I went rafting on the river Aude. It was awesome. ...more
When we were first considering where in the Languedoc Roussillon-Pyrenees area to ...more
Summer has arrived and it is baking hot. The cafe downstairs apparently got up to 45 ...more
Fete des meres
Sunday 25 May is Mothers’ Day in France and it did not go unmarked in this household. Continue reading Fete des meres