Tag Archives: castle

Le Chateau de Quillan

Le Chateau de Quillan

Quillan Castle (ruined, and with an ugly water reservoir building beautifully placed in the middle of the interior) is a short walk across the square from our apartment, over the Pont Vieux, and up the Rampe du Chateau. From the top you get a great view of Quillan and the surrounding hills. It’s from the castle that the view of Quillan in our blog cover photo, is taken.

Today we did our first trip to see a couple of Cathar castles in the vicinity of Quillan. The main reason for today’s trip was actually to get to somewhere from where we might see the Pyrenees proper, but I have it in mind to see and document as many castles as possible while we are here, so I suspect we will be posting more gratuitous pictures of castles. Enjoy! Continue reading Cathar castles